About this site

This website is operated and managed by Sankyo Chemical Co. Please read the following terms and conditions of use carefully before using this website and use it only if you agree to the terms and conditions.

Handling of Personal Information

1. About the Access Log
We will use access logs mainly for the following purposes
● To address the cause of the server problem.
● To improve website accessibility.
● To analyze access conditions.
※What is an access log?: Information such as the domain and IP address used to access the site, the files accessed, and the OS and browser type used.

2. Use of cookies
This website may use cookies for the convenience of our users. The data collected here may be used to analyze user trends on our website. If you do not wish to receive information collected through the use of such cookies, you may set your browser to refuse to accept cookies.However, please understand that in such cases, some of the services on this website may not be available.

Terms and Conditions of Use

1. About the information we send out to our customers
The copyrights of e-mails and other materials sent to customers by our company belong to our company and may not be diverted to other websites or printed materials without our company's permission.

2. About the information we send out to our customers
This website may use cookies for the convenience of our users.The data collected here may be used to analyze user trends on our website. If you do not wish to receive information collected through the use of such cookies, you may set your browser to refuse to accept cookies.However, please understand that in such cases, some of the services on this website may not be available.

3. Linking to this Website
If you wish to link to the top page of this website, please contact us. Unauthorized linking is strictly prohibited.

Usage Environment

1. Recommended Browser
● Firefox Latest Version
● Latest version of Safari
● Chrome latest version
● Edge latest version

2. operating system
● Windows  Windows 10 or later
● Macintosh  OS X 10.10 to down

3. For smartphones
● iOS 10.0 or later
● Android 7.0 or later
※(web) browser The latest version of the standard browser installed in each OS