Product Inquiry Form

  • Please note that we are unable to provide quotations to customers who have no direct business relationship with us.
  • If you do not have a direct business relationship with us, we would appreciate it if you could contact us through an agent.
  • We have a distributor system.
  • If you would like to request a quotation, please contact us through a distributor with whom you have business.
  • We refrain from disclosing our company's technical information, including JIS standards for abrasive materials, to outside parties.
  • Please understand that we will not disclose such information to anyone outside the company. If you would like to request an SDS (MSDS) for a product or a certificate of non-inclusion of specified substances, please contact the distributor where you purchased the product.
RequiredInquiry Content
Required >>If you are selling or marketing to us, click here.
RequiredTrigger for inquiry
RequiredCompany Name
RequiredDepartment name
RequiredJob title
RequiredYour Name
RequiredMail Address
RequiredMail Address
Required ※Copy-paste is not allowed. Please type manually.
RequiredPhone Number
Required  Zip Code Search
address and later on
RequiredInquiry ItemsInquiry Content
Required(Please check the appropriate box)
RequiredInquiry Products
  • kind
    (Example: DCCS)
    ※Please fill in the form with symbols.
  • granularity
    (Example: #600)
  • Size
    (e.g., 230 mm x 280 mm)
※If you do not fill out this form, we may not be able to respond to your inquiry.
arbitrarilyMail Contents
If you are inquiring about our products, please confirm the variety, grain size, and size, and enter them in the "Inquiry (Mailcontents)" field.
>>If you are not sure how to check the product variety and grain size, please click here.