Luster of iron and stainless steel can be restored by mirror polishing! Tips for mirror finish polishing without fail


Metal products certainly last longer than plastic ones, but there are times when they become somewhat dull and unsightly after prolonged use. Here is good news for those who have such problems!
By taking care of metal products, it is possible to restore their luster and make them look as shiny as when they were first purchased.
Everyone should read this article and immediately polish metal products around you to make them shine!

Table of Contents
1. What is a mirror finish? Does polishing restore the mirror finish to metal?
2. What is the object of mirror finishing? Can iron and stainless steel be mirror-finished?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mirror finishing? What is gained by mirror finishing?
4. Mirror polish can revive the luster of iron and stainless steel! How to achieve a mirror finish without fail?
5. Polishing mirror finish will revive the luster of metal, and polishing will bring back the shine of a new product!

1. What is a mirror finish? Does polishing restore the mirror finish to metal?

Curved mirror that reflects the sky as beautifully as if it had been mirrored by polishing

Do you know the term "mirror finish"?
Mirror finish, as you probably guessed, refers to a shiny and glossy mirror-like appearance.
The luster that was present in the new condition will disappear over time.
In order to restore this mirror-like finish, one of the most famous finishing processes in the polishing process is called "mirror finishing".
In this process, the polishing process gradually switches to finer abrasives until the surface is as shiny as a mirror. Mirror finishing is undoubtedly a very useful method because it not only improves the appearance, but also enhances the smoothness and functionality of the surface.
In this issue, we will introduce in detail the method and subject of such mirror finishing.

2. What is the object of mirror finishing? Can iron and stainless steel be mirror-finished?

A metal coin polished to a shine by mirror finishing

In the mirror finish of polishing, the polishing method varies depending on the target material.
What materials are suitable for mirror polishing?
For example, what about iron, a typical metal? Also, what about stainless steel, which is often seen in kitchens and other water-related areas, and the paint film on car bodies, etc., are these subject to mirror polishing?
The answer is yes!
Basically, all of these materials can be mirror-finished, although some metals, such as iron, are relatively easy to mirror-finish, while others, such as stainless steel and paint films, require more time.
Mirror finish of polishing can be processed not only on iron and stainless steel, but also on titanium, aluminum, copper, and basically many other metals.
In addition to metals, they can also be processed with various materials such as glass, plastic, ceramics, stone, rubber, and wood.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mirror finishing? What is gained by mirror finishing?

Dark-colored car body polished by mirror finish

・Improve appearance
Mirror finishing is a very effective process to bring out the beauty of the appearance.
Mirror finish can enhance product value and brand strength.

・Improved functionality
Mirror finish allows for smoother surfaces.
The higher the smoothness, the less resistance there is, and if it is a machine, the more efficient the operation will be.

・Improved safety
Mirror finishing leads to the removal of micro burrs and increases product safety.
Minor scratches from production are also removed together, creating further added value.

・Requires periodic care
While mirror finish has a beautiful appearance, it is susceptible to sebum and rust, so regular maintenance such as wiping is essential.
Basically, frequent wiping is sufficient, but once rust appears, polishing is necessary.

4. Mirror polish can revive the luster of iron and stainless steel! How to achieve a mirror finish without fail?

Metal coins polished to a shine by mirror finish

<What you need for mirror polishing>

・Water-resistant paper (#1200 to (#1500) to #2000)
・Compound ((fine), ultrafine, ultrafine particles)
・Sponge (for compound)
・Rags (for wiping)

Cut water-resistant paper (#1200) to an easy-to-use size and remove surface dirt and rust.
Abrasives #1200 and #1500 indicate the roughness of the finish, and the number is called the number.
The larger the number, the finer the finish. In this case, #1200 (coarse) and #1500 (fine) are used in this order to achieve a finer finish.

Sankyo Rikagaku's long-selling product with large capacity and easy to use for any polishing application!
Recommended Product 1: waterproof paper (Sankyo Rikagaku Co.)

Sankyo Rikagaku's long-selling water-resistant paper is easy to use for all purposes, from slight polishing to full-scale polishing.


Switch to a finer count of waterproof paper (#1500 to #2000), and smooth the substrate created in step 1).

3)Polished (mirror finish)
This process is used to add luster to a surface that has been uniformly polished in steps 1)-2).
In this process, a compound is used instead of the water-resistant paper described earlier.
Use multiple compounds ((fine), ultrafine, and ultrafine) in the order of (fine ->) ultrafine -> ultrafine.
At this time, be careful not to share polishing sponges or wiping rags.
The use of sponges or rags with coarse abrasive grains from the previous process can cause scratches.
Polish the compound gradually over a small area, being careful not to allow the compound to dry.
The trick is not to try to polish a large area at once, but to wipe it lightly with a rag and proceed gradually, checking the surface.

5. Polishing mirror finish will revive the luster of metal, and polishing will bring back the shine of a new product!

Polishing mirror finish brings back the shine and luster of a new accessory

In this article, we have detailed how to do mirror finishing.
Through these processes, even a dull ring or a rusty fork can be made to look so shiny and mirror-like.
It will take some time, but the process itself is relatively simple,
Why don't you polish the things around you to a shine?

If you are interested in polishing, please feel free to contact Sankyo Rikagaku.